​Health Reconnected

Human nature can distract us from a foundation of gratitude. Life is a gift, but for many, that’s hard to accept. When things don’t seem to work out, we feel victimized. This feeling clouds our window perspective and persuades us to disconnect from what we don’t want to experience again. We choose to act on self-preservation and further distance ourselves from the Whole.  

The actions of self-preservation contribute to the depth of our emotional scars. As they accumulate, so does the burden to overcome them. Ultimately, our spiritual progression suffers, as fear influences our actions. As individuals, we should try not to take anything personal. The dynamics of the Divine Body is the definition of complex. We can understand the general framework, but the intricacies are infinite. Our window view is too limited. It is not possible to understand individual outcomes in relation to the Whole.

The Spirit works on behalf of the Whole integrating each individual lesson plan. The Spirit aligns optimal situations. It guides us to life experiences that will help us choose Whole. Some of those experiences are tragic. This doesn’t mean we’ve done something right or wrong. That concept does not apply. Think of our physical reality as an interactive classroom. It exists for our spiritual maturation. 

We participate in this interactive classroom in two distinct roles. We are either an abuser or victim. These roles co-exist and interchange, but the terminology can be deceptive. In relationships founded in personal gain, both parties enter as abusers. This foundation is shallow, and the exchange will be unbalanced. One of the parties will end up a victim.

We determine the victim as the individual that got the least personal gain. They are forced to sacrifice part or all of their desired relationship outcomes. The truth is if we embrace this way of life both parties lose. What we gain as an individual increases the burden on the Whole.         

As abusers, we are given the opportunity to change our selfish ways. These opportunities will continue to present themselves until we are brave enough to change. To me, this mirrors the concept of forgiveness. The connecting Spirit doesn’t judge our actions; it only supports us with continual opportunity. We can seize our opportunities or squander them. We can embrace Whole or repeat the consequences of self. As abusers, our future actions need to become our primary focus.

In contrast, as victims we end up sacrificing what we want out of the relationship. The sacrifice is a forced consequence of an unbalanced exchange. Even though that sacrifice creates an opportunity for the abuser to change, this negative cycle often repeats. It takes many failed attempts before the abuser can understand the destruction of their choices. This increases the burden for the victim. Resentment and distrust deepen as the emotional scars grow. 

These roles exist because of our choices. The Divine Body integrates our choices into this interactive experience. Each opportunity is a rung in a ladder: one step at a time, one action aligned. Even if we don’t reach the top of the ladder in our lifetime, our existence is required and is never wasted. We are necessary! The graduation requirements are the same for everyone. It asks us to abandon human nature and align our actions with Spirit. Each ladder leads to the same destination. However, the order of the rungs, the vertical incline, and the steps completed vary per individual.

This interactive classroom is the equivalent to what many refer to as “the school of hard knocks.” Abusers choose self and this destructive pattern repeats. With every opportunity squandered, the burden of the victim is increased. These emotional scars negatively influence our learning curve.

If we continue to embrace these roles, everybody loses. To stop this vicious cycle, forgiveness must be understood. Forgiveness is the gift of opportunity the Spirit aligns us with. It’s not that we should be the ones to forgive. Through our tiny window perspective, it’s impossible to forgive. Instead of trying to understand why abusers squander their gift, the focus must shift to a foundation of gratitude. Gratitude is knowing that the gift of forgiveness (opportunity) is what we all came here to receive.

Forgiveness has long been misinterpreted. Within the Divine Body, we are continually given the opportunity through the Spirit to choose Whole. We are always forgiven. When we understand and embrace that function, gratitude becomes the foundation of our existence. It allows you to let go of the past and move forward on your journey knowing that gift is the reason why you are here. Each life in the Divine Body is a gift given to reconnect the Whole. Each of us bears the same burden of this gift. 

This is why it is so important not to squander our gift. To me, that would be the very definition of a sin. When we participate as abusers, we repeatedly fail to seize our spiritual opportunity to advance the well-being of the Whole. We squander the gift that was given to us. We secure personal gain at the expense of the victim. The emotional “dis-ease” distracts the victim from a foundation of gratitude. This negative cycle repeats through the actions of self and the burden lives on.

Forgiveness is a function within the Divine Body. It’s the opportunity given by Spirit to help us ascend the ladder of life. Our actions determine our vertical incline and altitude. With each rung completed, we distance our perception from the prison of human nature. Our purpose is revealed one rung at a time. The higher you climb, the more the Spirit asks you to help the climbers that surround you. Soon you realize that you can’t elevate without elevating your participation within the Whole.

When our spiritual obligations transcend our human biology, a shift in perception elevates us to a point of no return. Once you have reached this vantage point, gratitude becomes the foundation of your perception. You realize you haven’t achieved anything independent of Spirit.

The system is not broken for it is Divine. However, without understanding the framework of this divine intelligence, the user interface suffers. It’s like trying to play a game without knowing the rules. Participants don’t know what to believe or how to optimize their journey.  

The current state of this system is not optimal. The Divine Body is in a corrective response and we are experiencing it stronger than ever. The current level of disconnection is causing astronomical stress on the overall system. The Spirit will prevail, but if we don’t improve the way we interface with this dynamic system, the physical reality we share will suffer. Our level of connection within the Divine Body directly affects the physical world. Our current choices are destroying the planet and ourselves.

Fortunately, we have the potential to correct this imbalance. The communication networks we have built allow us to share these rules with everyone. The framework to move forward exists. Yes, we are disconnected–but understanding the rules allows us the advantage if we are willing to embrace change together. 

Human nature persuades individuals to isolate portions of their unique experience from their classmates. They share only what they consider to be acceptable. When we hide parts of us, it creates an altered reality. Who we are becomes limited to what we share, slowing down the process of self-understanding. As a result, our authenticity suffers.

The lack of authenticity hinders the ability of individuals to engage us with any value. It’s impossible to liberate emotional burden in a relationship that lacks authenticity. The wisdom is lost in what we choose to suppress. Without it, even the purpose behind the encounter is lost. We waste the opportunity that the Spirit orchestrated.

Through gratitude, it’s possible to embrace our authentic self. Sharing our wisdom both as the victim and abuser is equally important. That wisdom plays a pivotal role. It helps us liberate our burden. The bravery to share your good and bad experiences helps others do the same. This information can help others avoid some of the hard knocks we’ve taken. Our emotional scars start to heal, and we positively influence the lives around us. That’s the point. People need that vital wisdom so that the suffering we all endure can heal.

Human nature drives people to analyze relationships. We try to figure out how we should proceed based on a desired outcome. This approach is exhausting; it’s the equivalent of playing our lives like a hand of cards. With each encounter, this game forces us to continually size up our opponent. We try to figure out which cards to play and which to hold back.

This approach is destructive and hides our spiritual purpose in the fears that inspire our actions. In this altered reality, our spiritual progression suffers. Even though the Spirit continually guides us to the wisdom that reveals our purpose, we miss it because we are reluctant to be authentic.

People often pray to a higher power for an answer. I want people to understand that answer is right in front of them. The Divine is hidden in the truth that surrounds us. In order to be part of the divine, each of us must embrace our individual truths. The hardest part is being true to you. We must be authentic and exchange truth within the Divine Body. The more truth we share, the more we discover.   

I once believed we were born with a specific hand of cards to play throughout life. How we played our cards would determine who we would become. For example, let’s say we start with 10 cards in our hand. For me, those 10 cards were mostly selfish cards–and I played them often. After looking back on my journey, I started to see patterns and cycles and consciously started to embrace who I was and what I was becoming.

As the journey of life moved forward, I realized that the cards in my hand were expanding. This expansion is conscious awareness. The new cards came from my willingness to transform my relationships in a more balanced way. Instead of limiting my experience to the initial cards dealt to me, I realized the Spirit would bring me the entire deck if I would just trust it.

The most important part of this analogy is how we decide to play our hand. A friend of mine asked me once, “You have to get to know everyone. Isn’t that exhausting?” From the way society currently plays, it is! However, I started playing from my authentic self. I chose to play any or all the cards that came up during that encounter. I let people know me. Truth is the easiest way to communicate. Once you deviate from truth, keeping up with deception is exhausting.

When I say that I play any and all cards, it means that I play authentically within that conversation. Some people play all their cards to all people. Dropping your life story on any ear willing to listen is what I refer to as emotional dumping. We have all experienced that. Quality and depth create the foundation of meaningful exchange. Most importantly, allow the present moment to guide the interaction.

The Spirit assists us in the present moment and guides what needs to be said. It is about trusting your thoughts. I listen to what’s said and pay close attention to my thoughts. For example, we have all had a conversation where we get a thought to share something that would make us vulnerable. The voice in our head (ego) tell us, “There is no way I can say that,” and fear stops the Spirit’s urge. I decided to trust the Spirit and when a vulnerable thought came, I played that card in the conversation.  

Many times, there would be an awkward pause, but I would be brave and let what I was inspired to say percolate. The results were astounding. The conversation that would materialize was overwhelming. You can’t judge a book by its cover couldn’t describe the unique turn and the wisdom that was exchanged. People I had always avoided were the ones I now had the most in common with. I became as interested in the individuals as myself. Equality started to take on a new perspective.

Yes, some people won’t engage in the moment, even if we drop our defenses. Just because an individual was brave enough to be authentic does not make the encounter an instant success. But there is a very powerful secret weapon people need to understand. When we trust the Spirit that guides our thoughts, it can work through us.

This refers to the saying, “You do your best and the Spirit will do the rest.” It’s an unstoppable force and the effect is overwhelming. Individuals who refused to connect in that moment are unable to shake what was said or how it made them feel. When we are brave enough to share our divine truths, the Spirit can work through us more powerfully.

For either party to have an authentic relationship, one must lower their defenses first. Once authentic information is infused into the encounter, it encourages trust. The recipient is influenced by your conscious decision to be vulnerable with them. I realized the magnitude of this when, in one week, I had at least a dozen patients say, “I’ve never told that to anybody.” In those conversations, I was prompted by the Spirit. I shared experiences that before had been private. In chiropractic school, I was taught to be professional; however, the Spirit convinced me to be personal. When we trust the Spirit, it enables us to liberate the emotional baggage we suppress. That day made me feel uneasy because I realized that we all carry our experiences (divine truths) as a burden.

These conversations were mutually healing. I soon realized all the symmetries in our experiences. The vulnerability that I thought made me different was the bond that brought me closer to that individual. As the doctor, I thought I was the one helping them. When cards of authenticity were played in the present moment, I realized our encounter was mutually beneficial. The relationships that grew from those encounters were different from any previous experience. Sharing authentic life experience with truth at the core creates a solid foundation for the relationship to grow.