​Health Reconnected

Scoring System Designed To Help You Expand Your Conscious Awareness  ​

​To best understand how your physical and emotional awareness affect your health, we will reference a numeric scoring system. This scoring system empowers you to understand how your current state of health has been determined by the accumulation of your physical and emotional routines.

For simplicity, we will use a scoring structure of 10 points: 5 points awarded for a perfect physical score and 5 points awarded for a perfect emotional score. Once you determine what your current physical and emotional scores are, you will clearly understand how to expand these complementary states of awareness to achieve an optimal state of health.  

We will begin our discussion with the physical scoring system. This score will directly relate to the five core strategies that need to be consistently executed to ensure you are physically healthy. Cumulative research has proven these five components are necessary before your body can achieve optimal physical health.

  1. Consistently getting restorative sleep.
  2. Consistently drinking good, clean, bioavailable water for your liquid intake.
  3. Consistently eating a low inflammatory diet that is well balanced with all the vitamins, minerals and naturally occurring organic compounds our body needs to function optimally.
  4. Consistently stretching to balance the tension on the frame of the body to preserve optimal posture.
  5. Consistently practicing functional exercise designed to preserve the biomechanical function of your body.

Your physical score is determined by your consistent efforts to achieve these five vital components of physical health. For example, if you get good sleep 80% of the time, drink and eat healthy 70% of the time, exercise and stretch 50% of the time, your combined physical health score is 3.2.

(.8 for sleep + .7 for water + .7 for food + .5 for stretching + .5 for exercise = 3.2)

We will now discuss the emotional scoring system. These scores will directly relate to the maturation of your emotional awareness. We will now discuss and define scores 1-5:

  1. Refers to an individual that has an emotional awareness that everyone else is to blame for their stress. This individual will not accept any responsibility for their emotional unrest and demand that others must change before their stress is eliminated.
  2. Refers to an individual that has an emotional awareness that others have more blame than they are willing to assess on themselves. This individual will only accept limited responsibility for their emotional unrest, which implies that everyone else must change more than them before their stress is eliminated.
  3. Refers to an individual that has an emotional awareness that they and everyone else share equal responsibility for their stress. This individual freely accepts that they created half of their emotional unrest and will request that others change with them for their stress to be eliminated.
  4. Refers to an individual that has an emotional awareness that they are responsible for most of the emotional unrest they feel. This individual understands that others may have contributed to their stress, but they complicated their stress when they neglected their past emotional responsibilities. They also know that any positive change they make now will make it easier for others to expand their emotional awareness in the future.
  5. Refers to an individual that has an emotional awareness that they are solely responsible for how they feel. They understand that others influence them but realize that the discrepancy between their states of emotional awareness is the problem, not the individual. They understand that they must move forward intending to help others develop their emotional awareness so they too can take full responsibility for how they feel.    

Your emotional score is determined by your accumulated emotional approach with all people. To determine your emotional score, you must be honest about how you deal with all the people in your life. For example, if you withhold your feelings in most of your relationships and consistently suggest that others have more blame than you, then your average emotional score would be a 2.

Many of us will have relationships that have evolved into 3-5 emotional levels. However, please be aware that your emotional score is created by the overall emotional approach you take with everyone. For example, if you have two relationships at a 4 but all the other relationships in your life function at the emotional level of a 2, then your average emotional score will be closer to a 2. The only way to achieve a level 5 emotional score requires that you practice full emotional disclosure with all the people in your life. Level 5 relationships are strong enough to talk through any subject matter without thinking or acting defensively.

Once you have determined your physical and emotional scores simply add them together to determine your cumulative score.  For example, if your physical awareness score was 3 and your emotional awareness score was 2 your cumulative mental score would be a 5 out of a possible 10.

The lower your cumulative score is the more likely you will endure future unpleasant experiences and negative health consequences. Conversely, the higher your cumulative score is the more likely you will endure future pleasant experiences and positive health consequences.  

Please know you cannot fake frequency. Embellishing or projecting higher physical or emotional scores will only result in decreased accuracy. Optimal health and well-being are earned through consistent conscious choice alone. 